OK, OK. Maybe we don't totally suck. Let's just say we don't have the time for fancy nail art. That's it. So you love expressing your love for Halloween with amazing nail designs but just don't have the time? Broadway Nails has an assortment of super cool Halloween press on nails that are ... READ the POST
Love Halloween Nails but Suck at Nail Art? Broadway Nails has you Covered!
China Glaze Apocalypse of Color Halloween 2014 Collection Review, Photos, Swatches
The China Glaze Apocalypse of Color Halloween 2014 Collection is a refreshing change from the usual orange and blacks of Halloween. It is a nice mix of shades, some of which could be worn year round.Don't Let the Dead Bite is my favourite in the collection. It is a nude pink base with pink and ... READ the POST
Top 10 Halloween Products for Nails | Beauty Blogger Top Ten Tuesday
OK. OK. I cheated. This is actually 12 products. But I didn't think it was worth it not posting the complete collections for the sake of an accurate 10 count. So now that my slight breaking the rules of Beauty Blogger Top Ten Tuesday is addressed lets get to my Top 10 12 Halloween Products for ... READ the POST
Halloween Look Tutorial – Autumn Fairy – Fashion Magazine Beauty Panel
This week's challenge for the Fashion Magazine Beauty Panel was to come up with a Halloween look. I don't really do Halloween. I hate the idea of spending a whole bunch of money on costumes and props like wigs and contacts for one day. I decided to push myself out of my comfort zone and try ... READ the POST
The Ultimate Halloween Makeup Box from Wantable!
I was delighted to receive a surprise in the mail yesterday. The Ultimate Halloween Makeup Box from Wantable!I first shared Wantable with you when I introduced you to their August Makeup Box (which was amazing!). Well in addition to their Makeup and Accessories box they also have a Halloween Box ... READ the POST