This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me (Christa Potter).
For questions about this blog, PR inquiries or just to say hi, please contact me at [email protected].
I do work with several PR representatives and brands that send me products to review. No matter how the product was obtained, it does not influence my reviews of products. I do accept products for review from brands and public relations representatives. Receipt of a product does not constitute a contract for a published review of the product. I attempt to accept only products of interest that I would tend to purchase in hopes of lessening negative reviews and I do NOT guarantee a favorable review. Reviews are done based on honest assessments of the products and are not pre-approved by PR representatives or brands. Products that wish to impose such limitations will not be accepted for review. Editorial timeline is currently 2-4 weeks from receipt of a product but varies depending on my schedule and on product type (I like to review skin care products longer for e.g.) All items received from brands and PR representatives are always disclosed as such.
Realizing Beauty at times makes use of affiliate links. A commission is earned when a product is purchased using such a link which helps support the continued provision of content on the site. The site is also supported by some paid advertisements.
Realizing Beauty does do sponsored content appropriate to the site. Please contact me for rates at [email protected].
Realizing Beauty makes no warranties as to the effectiveness or quality of any product. Reviews are based on personal experience and personal opinion. Individual user’s opinion may vary. Comments concerning reviews from users about their experiences are encouraged and welcome.
All material on Realizing Beauty retain their full copyright. Use of material, either in full, part, or derivative form, without express permission is prohibited. All material, whether found directly on the site or taken from an RSS feed is licensed for personal use only. We protect our copyrights and take violations seriously. Republication without express permission may result in billing for use of the material, formal notification of the violation to hosts and advertisers under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and other legal action as deemed necessary.
My blog sometimes includes links to other sites/blogs . These are provided as a means of convenient access to you. I am in no way responsible for the content of any other sites.As an Amazon Associate [I or we] earn from qualifying purchases.