I want to know. Why is makeup important to you? OK maybe makeup isn’t what you would consider “important” to you, but you obviously enjoy it, see value in it. Why else would you be spending your valuable time on beauty blogs? This is a bit of an impromptu ramble so please bear with me.
Perilously Pale will be undergoing a rebrand soon and I hope you will stay with me, and evolve with, me during the process. I would really, truly, value your input on this topic because it is going to have great importance to me during this rebirth, because you, and what you need, are important to me during this evolution. There are so many different reasons why makeup is important to women and men around the world. Is it a means of artistic self expression for you? Does the act of dedicating time to making yourself look and feel better give you more confidence to take on the day? Do you feel like you need it? Are you trying to look like, or be someone else? Does playing with makeup and adding to your collection bring you sheer unadulterated joy? Does your love for makeup or the act of wearing it ever make you feel shame? I want to know what makeup, and beauty products in general, mean to you. Do you love discovering new tips and tricks and seeing how they can transform you? Gazing at the beautiful way light interacts with different finishes and textures. How have these feelings changed over time? Have certain trends and evolutions in the industry caused you to question yourself?

I realize you may not have time to address this right now but I encourage you to bookmark this, make a note, and revisit it later. I value your thoughts so much and I am excited to see where this discussion takes us!
If you’d like my Top 10 Beauty Tricks printable make sure you sign up for my weekly newsletter! I’d love to have you join in the conversation over in the Perilously Pale Readers Community private Facebook group as well!
Hi, to me makeup means a lot of things. As a girl in a extreme religious community makeup is safe for me, no judgement on anyone, anyone can wear makeup people are so nice… because I’m stuck on a place where everyone has to dress and act in a certain way, everyone has to be straight… I find that makeup helps me escape. Makeup has also help me stop being racist and homophobic (which is extremely hard when you’ve been brought up like that). Right now makeup is also a mask for me, I’m in an environment where I cannot express myself, and which is extremely racist, makeup is like a mask or a barrier, which I wear even though I am not allowed to. Right now I am working on changing things, hopefully I’ll be able to change my post in a bit. You can email me if you have any questions…Thank you for ‘listening’ lol
This is so inspiring. Sending you good vibes to move through your changes with as much ease as possible. <3
Well… I guess beautiful things and beauty products just make me happy. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s not like beauty products can undo the hard things in life, but on a day to day basis it really makes me happy that I can make myself look better. There’s something very empowering in that.
Also, to me it’s about fashion. I like changing it up and keeping up with new trends – I also very much enjoy not getting on board with everything new. There’s an element of self expression to it. And also getting to know yourself. I guess the amazing thing about make up is that you can pick and choose according to your own preferences – something we can’t do with our natural look.
I’m not afraid to go out without make up and make up free days can be good, but sometimes beauty products can really lift the mood, give me some extra energy or even courage.
Yes! Love this so much!
I’ve loved it since i first sneak-bought a lipstick when I was 14 (1972). I was a ‘serious’ girl, and afraid I would be laughed at, because those things were incongruent with my personality. They still are! I’m still that ‘serious’ bluestocking. I loved just looking at the colors (eyeshadow palettes are my weakness). I love playing with it, since although I am not conventionally attractive (I’m old now, and FAT), even the very understated look I do is transformative. I also just like *having* the stuff. I went through about ten years of serious depression where I didn’t even look at it, and at 59 am rediscovering the fun. I like old-fashioned stuff – cake mascara, cold cream, powder. There are ways to make that work and not look dated (it was before *my* time anyway!)
I work in a courtroom all day, and most of the people there are *not* happy to see us. I have to maintain a strictly professional look and demeanor so the minimal look works great. If I were to sum up what it means to me, I’d say it’s transformative, a way to care for myself, and a small rebellion against how society sees ‘serious’ girls.
P.S. I am also really, really pale, as in the lightest-foundation-is-kind-of-dark. When I was younger, everyone wanted to look tanned. I embraced my Victorian-cameo complexion, and I now look much better than my contemporaries.
I love looking at makeup and browsing a store full if it. I love playing with makeup; the textures, the colors, the feel… And I live wearing it! It makes me feel confident and pretty. But that’s not to say that I don’t love myself and feel confident without it (although some days are better than others). One of the things I appreciate so much about getting older is that I don’t care much about what others think and have a confidence I never had before. That’s not to say that I don’t have my days where I let my insecurities get to me but those are fewer and more far between than in the past. Makeup is fun for many reasons and I enjoy it.