This week the Makeup Wars team is sharing with you our Favourite Purple Eyeshadows. I tend to favour more plum and burgundy shades with my blue eyes when it comes to this colour family but I was able to pull out some of my most used and loved truer purples. OK well maybe some of them lean a little ... READ the POST
My Favourite Purple Eyeshadows | Makeup Wars
Top Ten Tuesday Gold Favorites
This week some of your favorite beauty bloggers are sharing their Top Ten Gold products. I don't have many gold products as I find yellow gold doesn't compliment my colouring very well. I absolutely adore the look of antique gold though and I'm anxious to go on a shopping spree for some antique gold ... READ the POST
More Fyrinnae Pressed Shadows ~ Daemon’s Tail, Rapunzel Had Extensions, Bitey Tyrannosaur, Love Potion ~ Photos, Swatches, Review
Fyrinnae Daemon's Tail, Rapunzel Had Extensions, Bitey Tyrannosaur, Love PotionI have some more beautiful Fyrinnae Pressed Eye Shadows to share with you. I have SO MANY new Fyrinnae loose eyeshadows to swatch for you as well but I need to wait for a FULL day of sun to undertake that project! ... READ the POST
Fyrinnae Samhain Ethereal Éire Face of the Day
Green again. I know. What is it with me and green lately? I barely even used to own any green eyeshadows let alone wear them on a regular basis. Now I just can't seem to get enough. As soon as I took the swatch photos of the Fyrinnae Samhian 2012 collection I knew I was going to be wearing Ethereal ... READ the POST
Fyrinnae Samhain Collection 2012 ~ Photos, Swatches, and Review
Be forewarned. This post is ridonkulously pic heavy. How can a review full of incredibly beautiful, dimensional, complex, and full out fabulous Fyrinnae product not be pic heavy? All that being said, even given the mass quantity of photos I have included in this post, I still did not manage to ... READ the POST
Fyrinnae Pressed Eye Shadows Face of the Day
Here is my face of the day featuring the new Pressed Eye Shadows from Fyrinnae in Te Amo and Woolly Mammoth. The look is even more amazing in person. You really need to see Fyrinnae products in real life to truly appreciate their beauty.Face:Algenist UV Defense Fluid SPF 50Burberry Fresh Glow ... READ the POST