PR Samples/Affiliate Links It can sometimes seem impossible to find the time to fit in all the practices we want to incorporate into our routines. Life always seems to get in the way. We often have lofty ideas of all the beauty treatments and high tech beauty tools we'd love to use to enhance our ... READ the POST
Here’s How You Can Find the Time to Nurture Both Your Inner AND Outer Beauty
My Must Have Beauty Tools | Makeup Wars
This week the Makeup Wars Team is sharing our favorite Beauty Tools. I can't wait to see everyone's picks! I have left brushes out of this post, as trying to list all my favorite brushes would be a post in itself.Clarisonic Aria - I don't know what I would do without my Clarisonic. It has ... READ the POST
The Top 10 Beauty Products of 2014 | Beauty Blogger Top Ten Tuesday
This week the Beauty Blogger Top Ten team is sharing our Top 10 Beauty Products of 2014. Rather than selecting Limited Edition favourites or new shades I am choosing to focus on completely new product launches that were added to brand's permanent product lineup.NARS Audacious Lipstick ($32 US/$37 ... READ the POST
Beauty Tech Favorites | Makeup Wars
Today on Makeup Wars we are sharing our favourite Beauty Tech Tools. I've narrowed it down to three rechargeable beauty gadgets that I love.Tria Precision Hair Removal Laser ($345 CAD) This slim ergonomically designed version of the Tria is made specifically for smaller, more sensitive areas. Get ... READ the POST
Makeup Wars | Products to the Rescue for Skin Troubles
This week the Makeup Wars team is sharing our top skin savers for skin troubles. Acne, dry skin, eczema, wrinkles, oiliness, whatever your skin trouble may be I'm sure one of our members has a product to fit the bill!My skin is really, really dry. Even in the summer I still suffer from dry and ... READ the POST
My Top Ten Favourite Pedicure Products | Beauty Blogger Top Ten Tuesday
This week the Beauty Blogger Top Ten Tuesday team is sharing their Top Ten Favourite Pedicure/Foot Care Products. With sandal weather finally here you don't want to miss our top picks!Sole Goddess Blister Protection Foot Balm ($18.75 US) - This stick balm protects areas of friction on your feet ... READ the POST