Sharing Our Gifts Without Fear
We long to break free from this patriarchal society into a new world. To eliminate the dominance of the few over the many. We dream of a world of true synergy and harmony where we are fulfilled by goodwill and community rather than stepping on others in competition to claim what’s “ours”.
It starts with us. We all have the power to embrace our fears and trust we can create and be supported by a better way of doing things. By facing our fears and scarcity mindset and surrendering with an open heart to the sisterhood of women that was once so natural.
Where success looks like supporting and raising other women up and changing the way we live and commune together rather than feeding into comparison and insecurities by flaunting our designer handbags and luxury cars in support of billion dollar retailers. Where abundance feels like freedom and oneness, not the separation of individual prosperity.
A place where we will bring out the best in each other and nurture the realizing of each other’s genius.
A place where we will work through our shadows together, transmuting them into our greatest gifts.
A place where we will empower one another, hire each other, refer to one another, support each other, collaborate with one another.
A place where we consciously work to overcome the oppression of envy and jealousy amongst women.
That place is the Synergy Sisterhood Mastermind.
A commitment to yourself. Courage to be vulnerable, get uncomfortable, and embrace change.
A dissolution of the individualized self. We are one. Listening and growing together.
Surrendering to our fears and our shadows is hard but we are made stronger together.
The Synergy Sisterhood Mastermind is not a short term group coaching program masquerading as a Mastermind. This is a mastermind in the truest sense with the spirit of harmony and creation of community at it’s heart.
You may be feeling the same fear about joining this mastermind group as I feel in creating it. Embracing that fear is part of the inspiration in me creating this mastermind. I am no longer willing to be held back by the fear that my ideas will be judged, rejected, copied, or dry up. That potential clients may like and choose someone other than me. That my goodwill and creativity will be abused. The fear that helping another rise may cause me to fall. The scarcity mindset, competition, and fear that this society perpetuates needs to be transformed. Our greatest gifts lie behind our greatest fears. It’s time to stop being oppressed by what is holding us back and move more deeply into it with love and an open heart. We can create a better world for the daughters of this earth.
It is time to allow and embrace our own authenticity and uniqueness. This takes time, practice, and nurturing. The Synergy Sisterhood is the sacred space to hold our evolution.
You are not here for me! We are here for each other. That said, as the facilitator of this Mastermind I will be providing regular prompts and tools to encourage sharing, engagement, self discovery, and personal and spiritual development. There will not be a coaching a “curriculum”. This is a mastermind in the truest sense.
“The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.” Napoleon Hill
Who is this mastermind for? This is not a Mastermind created to draw you in with the promise of $10K or $100K months. Although attaining our goals is the natural result of being supported in our growth in a mastermind setting. The Synergy Sisterhood Mastermind is not tied to any hierarchy of new vs established entrepreneurs, or new vs established in their spiritual and personal development journey. This is for women interested in, and COMMITTED to, honoring and building a sense of synergy and unity among fellow women and humankind.
Because our spiritual and personal development work is a life long process we can all benefit from committing to achieving our goals together and offering feedback and support to one another at a variety of stages in our journey. The more seasoned women benefit from helping those newer to the process while rekindling their diving into some areas they may benefit from revisiting. Those newer on their entrepreneurship or personal development journey benefit from seeing the challenges and wins others have experienced along the way while offering their unique insight. We may be experts in our respective fields or just figuring out what the heck we have to offer. What brings us together is our desire to create a new kind of community and offer what we each have to give. Because we ALL have our own radiance and light that is needed in this world.
What is included in this mastermind?
- check
What is required of you?
This group requires significant commitment. I am not referring to the financial commitment but the commitment of your time. The commitment to yourself. The commitment to embrace change and getting uncomfortable. The commitment to be vulnerable and authentic.
Who am i?
Hi! I’m Christa Potter and I’ll be facilitating this incredible mastermind. I’m an Intuitive Mindset + Life Coach, Gene Keys enthusiast, Tarot and Oracle Card Reader, Makeup Artist and Lifestyle Blogger. Yes I have a lot of passions! It is my mission in life to help women realize their passion, purpose, and personal power so they can embrace the spirit of possibility and choose to create a life they love.
we begin November 1st, 2018!
For the initiation of the Synergy Sisterhood Mastermind I will be limiting the amount of members to keep the group intimate to ensure we build deep relationships as founding members. Reserve your spot now! If the desire is there we may being in October.
While the founding group will be close knit, it is my vision for this community to grow and create real impact in the world through our presence and service. The Synergy Sisterhood will expand to include retreats, collaborations, philanthropy, and more. There is no limit to what women can achieve working together!