Have you ever taken an Intentional Checkout? What’s an intentional checkout you ask? Well, an intentional checkout is when a woman invests in time to reconnect with herself, and ensure she is practicing self-care and actively pursuing a life of fulfillment and happiness. A solo getaway to really give her the much needed space and quiet to connect with the woman she is inside and cultivate a stronger awareness of what her hopes, goals, and desires are in life, and begin taking steps towards fulfilling them. I feel this is so important for all women. Women are often so concerned with meeting everyone else’s needs (particularly as mothers) that we begin to lose touch with who we really are. Whether she is a woman struggling with career choices and connecting with her path and purpose in life, or a mom, wife, or newly single woman needing to reconnect with who she really is at her core, an Intentional Checkout is something every woman deserves!

$120 in spa allowance each
Two 3-course lunches each
Two afternoon teas each
Full use of the facilities
Ste. Anne’s Day Spa for Two Experience Giveaway
Good luck!
I think most women might feel guilty travelling alone. They would rather go away with their husband or some girlfriends. They may even be a little nervous at the thought of spending that much time with nothing but their own thoughts. But it is so valuable. So needed. Have you ever gone away alone? Would you like to?
Loving travelling on my own & do quite often. Ste Annes is very lovely. Thank you for the chance.
I’m happy to hear that!
Travel on my own at least once a year…sometimes it’s nice to do everything at your own pace. Would love to check out Ste Anne’s!
It is nice just do what you want, when you want, isn’t it!
Could really use a Spa holiday, been years since I’ve been on any holidays.
That’s far too long!
I’ve never gone away alone but I want to and need to. I really do. I barely get away anyway and I know I need to because the stress is slowly killing me
It’s important to find thing that bring you joy to keep stress in check. Sounds like you’d enjoy this.
What a lovely getaway solely meant to provide a beautiful and relaxing space to rest and rejuvenate! I’m a mother of two and haven’t had an opportunity to take care of myself like I used to. And I can’t recall when I last went on a vacation! Thank you for this extremely generous giveaway.
It’s so hard as mother’s to find the time isn’t it? But we must!
It looks amazing there!
It really is amazing!
I’ve never gone away by myself, but would love to one day.
Put it on that bucket list! 😉
I have never gone away by myself but I have been giving it a lot of thought lately, with my husband working so much.
I’m sure you’d enjoy it. 😀
Wow looks amazing!
It truly is!
This sounds amazing. It would be hard for me but I think I could do it!
Yes you could! 😀
First of all, let me say that this resort is phenomenal! How beautiful. You are very lucky to experience this. I haven’t gone away by myself ever. If you would have asked me previously in my life I definitely would have said no to going anywhere alone. But at this point in my life, I feel like I would benefit from it because I realize that even while on vacation there are so many stresses for me. I’m pretty sure that looking back I’ve never actually relaxed while away. So now, the answer is yes. I would love to go somewhere alone.
I love your awareness! I think you’d love it!
No I have never gone away by myself…and yes I would!
I hope you get the chance one day!
I have never gone off by myself but I would love to – and St Anne’s looks like the perfect place to do so!
It really is!
Looks beautiful!
I’ve been wanting to have a little getaway here with my husband, but haven’t had the chance yet.
I’ve never gone away by myself for any amount of time, but I think I would enjoy it as I like having time to myself to unwind and relax 🙂
I think anyway you go you can’t help but enjoy Ste. Anne’s. It’s a little piece of heaven!
I have never gone away by myself amd Im not sure if I would want to! There’s something special about having someone to share the experience with and I love travelling with my husband. That being said, we are expecting our first baby in 2 months and I can imagine possibly wanting some quiet time away on my own in the next couple years!
I have never gone away by myself but I would love to try!
I have gone away for scrapbook retreats – so technically I wasn’t by myself but, I was with others. I would love to have this experience. Dying to try Ste. Anne’s
I’ve always been too scared to go away by myself but I think I should try it!
I’ve been to this spa and would love to go back again! It is amazing.
I have gone away by myself in the past and have loved it! Lots of time to relax, unwind and self-reflect.
Ste. Anne’s is truly my favourite place on earth. It is so peaceful and heavenly. The food is phenomenal and the services are outstanding. I couldn’t agree more with your article. I tell people all the time that they haven’t lived until they have visited Ste Annes. I need to go back soon!
Never gone away on my own before but I might depending where.
I have not travelled alone but I would like to try it some time. I also would really like to go to St. Anne’s I have heard lots of great things about it.
I haven’t gone away by myself but I’m certainly open to it…I just like sharing the experience I’m on with someone else
Wish I could be there!
I’ve never traveled alone before, but am definitely open to it! I went to St. Anne’s earlier this year with my bridesmaids and had such a lovely time! Would love to take my fiance after our wedding in October. : )
I’ve never traveled alone before, but I’d love to give it a try! From people who have done it, they tell me that it’s quite the different experience! A lot more about self-discovery and connecting with the world.
Now this would be one fab treat for me and my bestie
Would love a trip away alone! I’d also love to check out St. Anne’s. It looks so beautiful and relaxing.
I would like to go to the spa and have a wonderful relaxing time with my fiance! thank you!
I’ve been thinking about doing my first solo getaway – I think now is the time. 🙂
This is the little sign you’ve been waiting for. 😉
I would so love a trip to Ste. Anne’s in the fall! I’ve done winter and summer but it would be amazing to experience the fall colours 🙂
I have never been away alone and no I wouldnt go alone. Something like this would be amazing for my husband and I
I work at home alone all day so not sure Id enjoy spending an overnight alone, I enjoy the company of someone to chat to on my off hours so a day spa with a friend would be heavenly
Love Sta. Anne, way overdue for a visit.
I was terrified when I went on a trip alone last year but my fears were completely unfounded and I had a wonderful time! Would do it again in a heartbeat!
Ste. Anne’s is a fabulous Spa! – I have had the pleasure of visiting it once, and would LOVE to return! I have gone away alone, and find it very helpful and relaxing to do so every now and then. Thanks for this opportunity! ~ Jennifer D. 🙂
I was away once but I think with friends getaway is much better!!!
I never have gone away by myself. I’ve traveled for work, but I wouldn’t call that going away. In college I went on a trip with just my mom, and I would probably do that again as she needs to relax too!
Last Novemeber I did a 10 day Vipassana retreat. It was terrifying! However, I learned a lot. Alone time is so necessary!
I travel alone all the time for work but never for vacation. Could be interesting! 🙂
I have been to Ste. Anne’s on my own and I really enjoyed it. I thought I would feel awkward having dinner at a table for 1 but, it was really nice. Ste. Anne’s is a place that makes you feel comfortable on your own.
I have never been away by myself and I have never been to Ste. Anne’s Spa, I would love to win this but I would also love to bring a good friend of mine with me.
Not regularly, but have literally just been thinking about it before coming across this blog post and contest. Feel a bit like it’s a hint from the universe.
I went away alone once for a conference and had a bunch of spare time, but that’s been the only time so far. A spa seems like the perfect place to do so!
I have never gone away just myself but i think i would really enjoy it. Definitely recharging.
I have never gone to vacation by myself, would love to try it for a day trip.
I’ve gone away by myself a few times – more solo retreat-ish, never to a spa but I would definitely do that! Ive learned that as an introvert, sometimes I need to just be alone to recharge my batteries completely 🙂
True story: About a year ago when my life was unbelievable stressful my doctor told me she was ‘prescribing’ me a weekend alone at a spa to take care of myself. I didn’t *quite* do that then (but I did get away alone), but it was wonderful advice for anyone who needs it and I’ve never forgotten it.
I have never gone away by myself, and think I would prefer to have at least one person with me.
sounds like an inspiring journey to me…. i would love to do this and also share my story with others. thank you!
Never gone away by myself, but I would love to!
No I have not. Sure.
I think about it all the time, I feel like it would be so refreshing!
I’ve never gone away by myself and I’m not sure if I could, although I think spending that time alone is valuable and probably much needed!
I haven’t, but I sure do day dream about it from time to time, lol! Maybe one day!
I have never gone away by myself but I plan to do that in the coming months…
I’ve never gone somewhere like this alone. I think it is a guilt thing. Like you said, women don’t usually take time for themselves; we need excuses like “girls day” or such. One thing I am missing as I get older is alone time. Like they say- with kids and pets, you don’t even get to pee alone. I never even truly lived alone. I can simply envision the peace and quiet now….. ahhhhh!
I’ve never gone away by myself for pleasure! I would love to, just for a break – especially now with a toddler at home!
Love time away by myself, especially at st.anne’s!
Traveling by myself is not something I enjoy. I would prefer to go with one of my daughters who have blossomed into lovely young women who are a delight to spend time with!
I have travelled by myself and I really quite enjoy it! Will definitely do so again.
I have traveled alone before and really enjoyed it.
Yes, I have
A true Canadian gem!
It is!
I haven’t traveled by myself but it is something I want to do.
I have heard from many that St Anne’s is one of the finest spas in the world.
We are fortunate to have such a quality spa in Ontario.
I haven’t traveled alone yet, but it is on my to do list to empower myself.
We are very fortunate indeed!
Last summer I went on a solo road trip to the Maritimes, staying with a series of friends along the way , and loved the peace and freedom. This year, the furthest I can get away is to my tub with a book.
That sounds like such a fun trip!
I have gone on my own to St Anne’s but when it came to eating dinner all by myself, it was lonely. It seemed like most of us were sitting at our own table. Loved it there but next time I will invite someone to sit with me. Love the spa here!
Eating alone is certainly one of the most “challenging” aspects of a solo getaway. I brought my notebook with me and also really tried to enjoy the views. <3
I crave alone time but sharing this experience with your fellow ‘sistas’ takes it to another level. Now I want to return with my true best friend, my husband of 3 years who can truly appreciate a great culinary experience. Love, love love Ste. Anne’s. Bucket list material
I have traveled by myself and would definitely do it again!
I travel for business and enjoy time alone,,
Would love to visit, looks beautiful
I have gone away for professional conferences and as an introvert, I really enjoy having the space to just “be”.
I’ve actually travelled several times by myself – anything from a few day jaunt to a four month experience in Europe. Initially I was intimidated by the thought of travelling solo. But, having become somewhat of a ‘pro’, I find it liberating and enjoy being able to experience a new place at my own pace.
I have traveled by myself but only for short periods of time (2 days or so) but even then I ended up meeting with people I knew already etc. I would love to try literal solo travel for at least a week, where I dictate all hours of the day!
I have been away for business but I did not enjoy it at all, being alone that is. I would much rather have been able to have my husband with me. When not on scheduled events I spent the time in my hotel room, not my idea of fun at all. Having an amazing husband who does whatever needs to be done makes it that I don’t need to be alone to be the real me.
I have never gone away alone, I did travel once alone but met people at the destination and we stayed in the same hotel. Not sure I would be comfortable.
I have never travelled alone. I prefer to travel with family and/or friends.
I know for a fact that for my wife a solo trip would be a much more stressful an event than the vacation you mentioned it was for you. In fact I can almost guarantee she would not even go in the first place but if forced to for some reason would want to cut it short & come home. On the other hand a romantic getaway for the two of us would make her more than ecstatic! While I understand that for some it may be wonderful but not so for her. St. Anne’s Spa is a place she has mentioned wanting us to go to, but so far it has not worked in our schedules.
Yes i’ve gone away alone
I have taken and enjoyed a couple mini solo vacations but I do love to share most vacation experiences with close friends.
Yes, I’ve gone away by myself but now prefer with my friends or partner!
I haven’t gone away by myself but I would love to!
I have gone away by myself, and would do it again!
Nope, I don’t think I would enjoy going somewhere without my husband, a friend or family. I’m not exactly the most social person!
I have gone to Thailand alone, but when I was much younger. I love the idea of going somewhere by myself, just for myself. What a treat!
I would absolutely love to travel by myself and self reflect. Sounds like you had a wonderful time!
I’ve went to conferences by myself quite often but never on a spa retreat by myself.
Would love a mom and daughter day
An amazing concept. Intentional checkout is something I definitely need for myself. Even just for a day.
I have never gone away by myself mainly due to a lack of finances. I would love to get some me time. This would be fun since I could spend the day there with one of my girl friends.
Such a great place!
I have never gone away by myself, but I would love to.
never gone away by myself yet but it sounds like a good idea once in a while
I love going away by myself sometimes. Travelling with family is fun but sometimes you just need to get away and have some time to yourself.
Going to StAnn with my daughter is always very special to me . A wonderful place to be ,just her and me!
I travel for work often and love having time away on my own.
I travel for work quite a bit and really love the time I get to be away on my own exploring a new place!
I would love to get away from the every day! I have been to spas on my own before and absolutely love it on my own and with others. Ste. Anne’s has been on my “I really want to go there” list for so many years… I was even saving up my air miles to be able to get a spa day (and if you know air miles you definitely know how long it takes to get enough points to do anything!) When I finally did get enough points for a spa day for 2 though, I gave it to my parents as a gift, since they deserve to relax and enjoy a beautiful day at one of the best spas in Canada. I can’t wait to hear from them how it is when they go at the end of September!
I go every year with co-workers and by far the most relaxing and rejuvenating experience around. They also allow you to bring your own wine to be served with Lunch/Dinner which is a special addition to any meal
My friend and I have been looking at this website for a while now, hoping we could visit. We both have dietary issues and few places offer a safe place to eat for us.
I LOVE Ste. Anne’s … it’s such a special place, either by yourself or with someone special!
I love St Annes. I would love to win 🙂
Yes, I’ve travelled by myself several times.
No, I’ve not gone away alone, I’d rather go with a girlfriend!
I have not gone away by myself but I would give it a try, that would be a new beginning for me.
No I haven’t and I would feel safer with someone else.
I have traveled by myself to Portland and Seattle when I was in my 20s. I had a lot of fun just exploring the city and eating whatever I wanted.
I actually went on a big trip on my own for the first time about 10-12 years ago thanks to the urging of my husband. It was lovely and though I was nervous to start I ended up loving it.
Would love to be pampered with my mom!
I haven’t, but my 4 yr old is off to school next week and my 18 month old is finally warming up to others. Time for some me time!!
I have travelled extensively independently, and it would be delightful to visit the gorgeous Ste. Anne’s spa by myself. However, I’d prefer to share the delights of all of the spa services, amenities, gorgeous grounds, rooms, delicious cuisine etc. with a loved one.
Travel on “The Canadian” via train travel across Canada. you can travel alone but meet the most fantastic people.
Yes,sometimes you just need a break :). Thanks!
Not away away but out for a day by myself or with girlfriends yes! I would love to take an intentional checkout!
Yes it is nice to just be with nature.
Yes I’ve travelled by myself but Ste. Anne’s is best experienced with a friend or family member.
no, rather go with someone
Yes! I have gone away by myself- and interestingly it was to Ste. Annes- I decided that for my 36th birthday that I would treat myself to a day at the spa and it was an experience like no other. It was such a treat to spend the day being pampered, deciding what I wanted to do (rather than acquiescing to others), enjoying some quiet contemplative time and escaping the hustle and bustle of regular life! I would highly recommend it!
I have never gone away on my own but would love to! I’ve become a new mom within the last year and definitely feel that self-care is important, now more than ever 🙂
I would love to be able to go with my mom for a mother daughter bonding time =)
An eloquent, enticing and thorough description of the wonder of a stay at Ste Annes. I too have stayed there by myself. If you take your troubles with you they somehow melt away! Thx for the share!
I’m coming into my own awakening and dream of time away alone! I have done little things near home by myself and it’s so refreshing not to have to worry about anyone else!! I’m really excited to read about your chakra experience – I didn’t realize they offered such a treatment. I’ve been working on my own chakra’s and the work is amazing, I have grown so much from it! I’m a potter and make chakra bowls, love them in my meditation space! I would LOVE to win this. Thank you for this opportunity!! <3
Angela Patterson
I visited montreal alone. I didn’t mind traveling solo but prefer good company.
40 yrs ago I went to Barbados by myself!! It was a great beach break. Now a days I wouldn’t travel by myself though.
I’ve never been away overnight by myself but I would within Ontario no problem 🙂 just so expensive to travel on your own.
i have travelled alone. it wanted to get away because it was having a bit of a riff with my boyfriend so i thought a 3-4 day cruise would do me some good. i really had a good time and thought it was a good time to find out who i am and clear my mind too!
I have only travelled on my own for work. I think I would go on a vacation alone. It’s nice to have your own time.
I’ve never gone away on vacation by myself or to the spa. I’ve gone for massages alone if that counts. Haha I think it’s a great thing to do though and it would be so relaxing. I’d love to do it! And I’ve always wanted to go to St Anne’s Spa so my fingers are really crossed for this giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance to win!
I have only gone away on my own once, to a yoga retreat in Costa Rica. It was an amazing and introspective experience, which I would definitely repeat regardless of how local or far the destination.
Ste. Anne’s, looks & sounds like a little piece of Heaven on Earth! I’d love to visit with one of my daughters for a retreat to relax both of our weary bodies.
I haven’t for a holiday but I certainly do all the time for work. I could use a getaway to unwind. Thanks for the chance!
YES! I LOVE travelling alone! Although now that I’m married, I also enjoy traveling with my husband! Travelling alone, I tend to interact with many more warm, kind and interesting strangers! They are a wonderful resource – better than guide books! And it’s special to connect with people that have the same interests in a different culture – a true learning experience. Some of these people have become long-distance friends!
I would but I do prefer to share it with someone,my fav travel partner is now my 9 year old son,he makes everything fun.