This week’s Makeup Wars post is going to be pretty short and sweet for me. I discovered my holy grail lip product about 5 years ago and haven’t had to worry about experimenting with lip treatments since. Since discovering it I have not had chapped lips at all with the exception of a brief period one winter where I was not drinking enough water and became quite dehydrated. What is this magical product that has given me soft, hydrated, chap free lips?
Lansinoh HPA Lanolin Cream. Yes. Nipple Cream. It may be marketed as nipple cream but basically it’s just 100% pure, medical grade lanolin. You know the expensive Lanolips balms that many swear by? Well what do you think makes them so special… lanolin. Buying the Lansinoh version is a much more affordable option. It is great for use anywhere you are experiencing chapped, irritated skin. It has no taste or smell and best of all it lasts for hours an hours. If I apply it at night it is still there in the morning.

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