Aging. It sucks. Maybe you have a different opinion, but I must admit that’s mine. Mind you I don’t have a problem with my age. I don’t feel uncomfortable telling people I’m 41. It is what it is. I’m happy with the person I am and the experiences I’ve had to get here. I also happen to feel pretty damn fantastic. I love myself. I love life. The last couple years have been a real awakening for me to feeling passion and joy in my life again. That is why looking in the mirror can sometimes be a bit of a kick in the butt. I feel good. I want to look good. And I do feel I look good. Self-love has been a priority for me lately. And if it isn’t a priority for you I highly recommend you make it one. So ya, there are a lot of things I really love about myself. I love my skin. I feel my inner beauty does come through in an overall radiance about me. That said, gravity, time, and even weight loss have taken their toll on my appearance. I take good care of my skin, I’m a beauty blogger after all, but the wrinkles are still slowly but surely accumulating. There is a loss of volume and elasticity in my face that creates a more downtrodden appearance than I think resonates with how I actually feel. A sunken effect that can sometimes make me look tired even when I’m fully rested. And let’s face it – that can be downright frustrating. I make my happiness a priority and I want to feel that my appearance exudes that same vitality. That’s why dermal fillers are something I consider.
Have you given fillers a try yet? If you haven’t what is it that is holding you back? I’ve only had fillers once and that was over 2.5 years ago before my weight loss. I remember I was very nervous before I went in. I think many of us just aren’t aware of that other mom at school, neighbour, or friend that has had injectable treatments. We don’t realize just how mainstream it has become. I remember when I started talking about my experience years ago all of a sudden I was finding out that so many of my friends and acquaintances regularly had stuff done. I had no idea! But of course. That’s the way it is meant to be. Many of us are frightened by the over the top results we often see from people in the media. Those moments when someone pops up in a magazine. movie, or TV show and you literally jump back in shock at the difference in their appearance. Sometimes barely recognizing them. That is not “typical”. You can absolutely have injectable treatments and have no one even know you’ve had anything done. The one time I had them, I had it done very minimally. It absolutely refreshed and rejuvenated my appearance but absolutely no one could tell what I had done. Even if I told them. This is what makes injectables like Juvéderm® such a great option for men as well. Men who want to improve their appearance and can’t easily turn to cosmetics as women can.
For some women I think what holds them back is making that investment in themselves and wanting to feel like their best selves. It is paramount that women acknowledge that self care is a vital and worthy investment of both their money and their time. You can’t give from an empty bucket. The better you feel about yourself. The more rested, beautiful, passionate, and joyful you feel the more you can give to your family and the world around you. You are worth putting first. If you don’t put yourself first everyone suffers. Start putting yourself and your needs and desires first and you will be amazed at how it flows beneficially into all other areas of your life. It is not the other way around. You must come first to give people your best self.
Maybe you’re scared about just what it is your injecting in your face? I get it. Injecting a foreign substance in your face does sound scary. Do you know what Juvéderm® actually is? The key ingredient in Juvéderm® is hyaluronic acid! Yes! The same amazing ingredient derived from naturally occurring sugar in the body that helps maintain volume and elasticity in the skin. The same ingredient you seek out in your skincare to hydrate and plump your skin. The Juvéderm® injectable gel filler combines with the water naturally in your skin to gently restore fullness creating more volume and smoothing out lines and wrinkles. Juvéderm® also includes pain-reducing lidocaine to ensure a less painful treatment experience. Juvéderm® has a whole range of fillers that target different areas of your face and concerns to ensure natural and effective results. Depending on the area treated and the product injected it can last up to 2 years. I was actually able to touch and feel the Juvéderm® product and it’s remarkable just how much it looks and feels like a hyaluronic acid serum you would use as part of your skincare routine. So cool!
I would love to know your thoughts. I would absolutely have fillers done again. They have come such a long way, are totally safe, and even reversible if you end up not caring for your results. Just make sure you are taking the time to research your treatment provider and the products they use. If something can help me look on the outside the way I feel on the inside, then it’s worth it. And nobody needs to know if I don’t want them to.
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